Welcome to the Khushwant Singh Literary Festival | 22-24 Oct, 2021

Articles on Khushwant Singh

No malice… love from Khushwant –The Tribune, 18 Oct. 2018

Remembering Khushwant Singh On His 103rd Birth Anniversary, The Grand Old Man of Letters

Speakig Tree Dec 2017

Absolute Khushwant

An evening with Khushwant Singh

The Emperor of Wit, Humour and Laughter is Dead. Long Live the Emperor!

Double Treat for Kushwant Singh Fans

When the hills beckon you for love – by Suhel Seth

The Old Man of the Mountain – by Rahul Singh

Absolute Khushwant – from YPS Times

With Lots Of Love And No Malice – by Suhel Seth

The Khushwant Singh I knew – by Usha Mahajan

The ‘unfair disadvantage’ of being Khushwant Singh’s son – by Asif Noorani

The ‘faujis’ are feeling angry – by Harish Khare

The essence of Khushwant Singh

Bollywood personalities pay tributes to Khushwant Singh – from The Tribune

Coca-Cola pays a tribute to Khushwant Singh – via the Coca-Cola Twitter account

A Life Enshrined as a Pilgrimage of Love – by Bal Anand

The Illustrated Surdar of India – by Purushottam Panda

Reading Father: My Ear at His Heart – The Puch, Jul 1, 2015


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