Welcome to the Khushwant Singh Literary Festival | 22-24 Oct, 2021

Volunteer At The Khushwant Singh Litfest

VolunteerWe welcome young volunteers from Chandigarh, Kasauli, and surrounding areas who can help us run the festival. It is hard work, but offers the experience of a lifetime. There are several areas for you to choose from.

Author Liaison: Work closely with authors, assist them with their requirements — including shopping and sightseeing! Ensure they are well on time and on stage for their sessions.

Book Signings: Schedule and announce signing timings, coordinate the activity.

Entertainment Liaison: Everything from stage to sound to performers requirements.

General Dogsbody: You are the firefighter, the nuts and bolts department, taking on special assignments on a need-to-do basis.

Information Desk: You are the pivot for the visitors to the festival,also providing any help they may require.

Media Management: Organise media interviews between author and media after each session. Write press releases on sessions and mail to media, along with photographs. Assist media persons present with their requirements for photos, write-ups, etc.

Photographers: Budding photographers, here’s your chance to shoot great images at the festival. Select images will be mailed to the media and used on the website with your credit.

Registration: Man the desk and register authors, entertainers, media.

Stage Management: Ensure adequate chairs, mineral water bottles, drinking glasses for each session. Liaise with sound technicians. Take mikes around the audience for questions.

Transport, Hotel: Requires logistics planning to ensure cars are available when required. Transfers from Hotel to Kasauli Club and back.

Youth Program: We run contests for school children during the festival. Help is required in writing out press releases, mailing relevant media, including photographs. Also, help in conducting contests.

Please note: Volunteering is purely voluntary. There is no financial outlay involved. Accommodation is not provided.
A certificate, which can be your passport to other endeavors, will be provided.

Send us your details via the Contact Us form.

– In the subject line, please mention the category you would like to volunteer for:
For example, Volunteer – Information Desk or Volunteer – Media Management
– In the message box, please mention your age, sex, cell number and why this category interests you. Please restrict your answer to a maximum of five lines!
– Those shortlisted, will be interviewed in Kasauli and called for a briefing prior to the event.

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