Welcome to the Khushwant Singh Literary Festival | 22-24 Oct, 2021

Testimonials – 2014


Heartiest congratulations on the most successful Lit Festival. – Arun Duggal

Congratulations for making the 3rd Khuswant Singh litfest such a huge success in Kasauli and a big thank you for including Shalini and me. – Sunil Sethi

My apologies for not not saying this earlier, have been snowed in by work. Just to thank you and Rahul for the wonderful hospitality in Kasauli and a truly enchanting weekend in the hills in fine company.  Thank you again, warmest.  – Rajdeep Sardesai

Thank you for inviting me! I had a blast. – Suhel Seth

You do a great job, Nil. It’s really special. The event and the sentiment. – Bachi Karkaria

in my mind, i’m still carrying kausali and the wonderfully intimate festival that you all have created thank you so very much for including me in what seemed like a gathering of family and friends in constant conversation, in larger and smaller groups  – Arshia Sattar

Thank you so much for having invited me to the festival. The charm of Kasauli lent so much to the occasion. And the fact that you wove in its history, ethos, ecology and people gave the festival an unmistakable character. The living arrangements were more than comfortable, and the lack of fuss made me feel completely at home. For me, this was the perfect setting to talk about my book. I met a number of people whose work will, I am sure, enrich my own. But most of all I enjoyed the unhurried conversations with so many interesting people. – Daman Singh

Congrats for lining up a terrific show again this year. – Meenal Baghel

To all three of you for inviting me to lovely Kasauli. It was a terrific festival, truly. Just the right size at the moment to be able to hang out and bond with other writers (such a treat in our solitary craft) and yet with big enough crowds to feel one has a proper audience. You looked after us very well too, which can’t be easy without volunteers and event managers, so it was much appreciated. Oh, and you were very good at having to put up with authorly egos too, Niloufer particularly! – Jaishree Misra

A big thank you to you and Rahul for the lovely days we spent at Kasauli, for organizing this terrific festival and inviting us to it and for the very generous donation of Rs.50K which really moved us. We had a wonderful time, met some lovely people, listened to exhilarating conversations and presentations and saw some lovely houses including Raj Villa. – Zenobia Panthaki

Thank you for putting together a brilliant experience of the Kasauli Litfest which I came to for the first time. – Anthony Gaskell

I echo Zenobia’s sentiments.  It was a truly wonderful experience for us to attend the litfest. – Behram Panthaki

Thank you so much for inviting me to the GREAT Festival . Everything went on so well because of the efforts and hard work you had put into it . You were running around all the time , on all the tree days . Certainly the Festival was a success  beyond belief . – Usha Mahajan

The litfest this year was a marvelous success! spectacular,in fact. Thank you very much for your gracious hospitality and the perfect  arrangements. – Robin Gupta

What a fantastic experience this has been…food for thought and food for the waistline in plenty! I have certainly been enriched by the exprience and so has Olav. We thoroughly enjoyed the sessions including Suhel’s banter, Shobhaa’s moderating and Rajdeep’s insights. The two themes of the soldier and Indo-Pak relations were so very apt and resonated with your audience. Thank you for putting this all together so seemlessly and the lovely dinner at your home. – Prabha Chandran

The hard work you , Rahul Singh and Ashok put in was simply stupendous. It was a humble tribute that we all paid to Khushwant Singh ji, our own way.  – Ajay Bhardwaj

Really wanted to thank you, and the whole committee for having me at Kasauli. I had a lovely time, my hotel was fabulous, and it was really nice to meet other writers and talk books. – Kavitha Rao

Just a quick message to let you know that Shahnaz and I are back in Lahore after the wonderfully moving KSLF and a few days detour to Kulu and Manali. Fascinating…I had left a note for you at the Kasauli Club but in case you did not receive it, our warmest thanks for your hospitality and affectionate attention. – Fakir Aijazuddin

Thanks once again for a Litfest that gets better and better every year. I didn’t miss a single session and enjoyed them all (even ones that I had not expected to!). – Kim Lalli

Wow. Super. What an effort. – Vandana Watsa

Congratulations on this fantastic programme. It is a real labor of love and a brilliant endeavor. The presentations of Face book are also excellent. – R K Aneja

What a fabulous festival. Thanks very much for organising it again. – Meera Bajaj

Thank you for a most wonderful time, once again, at Kasauli. I so enjoyed being part of the festival, and was tremendously honoured to moderate the short story session. Niloufer – kudos for putting such a fun panel together. Juxtaposing Gita Hariharan and Shobha De was mad and fantastic, and it worked!! Niloufer, I do want to compliment you on the structure and content of the festival. It was diverse, and interesting and full of fantastic surprises. I just loved every bit of it. There was a moment on Saturday evening when I was fading, and I thought I would retire early, and then got into a great conversation that just gave me the right kick to go on.  The mark of a good event. And, of course, the author party – wonderful! – Indira Chandrashekhar

How is it possible to look so calm and beautiful and have so much work on your plate and which you have created into an amazingly successful event ? I really take my hat off to you .Congratulations. Thank you so much for inviting me , I love it so much as it is keeping alive in my heart a man who’s spirit was exceptional and was such a part of my life in India. – Patricia Maude-Roxby

I can never thank you and Rahul Singh (the worthy son of a worthy father) enough for what you have done for me. With a wave of your magic wand you gave recognition to my talent and redeemed my sense of self worth. It was the high point of my literary career – yet. As I wrote in my face book page: My first lit fest in Kasauli was a resounding success. All that I had dreamt of but never imagined would come to pass has been realised- the adulation, the applause the laughter as I read naughty excerpts from my novel, the book signing, with copies flying off the shelf, the wonderful new writer friends! I did not think that I could hold my own amidst such eminent authors but I did manage to get a place under the sun. I am on a high! – Amrinder Bajaj

The star of KSLF, in my opinion was a lovely doctor, Amrinder Bajaj, who has written “Afternoon girl” the most bawdy, x-rated, fun account of her twenty-five year friendship and conversations with Khushwant Singh. So here we are, women from both sides of the Indo-Pak border, united in reading this super fun book. – Sam Arni

What a galaxy of greats. The who’s who of literary world. – Syeda Hameed

I feel very honoured to be part of KSLF and can’t thank you enough for inviting me over. – Prashant Mahajan

It was gr8 meeting you all and the Litfest 2014 was amazing. – Aparna Ananth

It was amazing being in Kasauli so thank you for including me. – Jamini Morarji


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