Welcome to the Khushwant Singh Literary Festival | 22-24 Oct, 2021

Testimonials – 2012



Congratulations on a wonderful festival. I appreciate all the hard work that you put in to make it such a success. And a special thank you for all that you did for me. With warm regards

Harish Dhillon 

The first KS Litfest was a great event. Thanks for everything.

For both of us it was a learning experience. We will be in touch.

Warm Regards and Best Wishes

Minakshi and Rakesh

 This is just to say one big thank you for inviting me to the Khushwant Singh Litfest. I had a terrific time, as did we all. The organisation was faultless and it was such a big, friendly gathering.

Gillian Wright

For organising such a wonderful event – it was my first ever LitFest, and I loved it. Great speakers, and wonderful people to mill around in the bar etc with – now that it has ended, there is a bit of a hole in my life! Can’t wait until the next one.

Well done – I see the feedback in the press has been very positive too.

Kim Lalli

It was great for Kasauli to have you all here for the Litfest – its on the international map now. Keep up the good work and keep in touch. Overall it was a most enjoyable and stimulating few days spent

Kamal Davar

Had a lovely time in Kasauli. You were the perfect hostess and the arrangements were all very well organized. Thank you once again for inviting me. I really enjoyed the trip.

Neetu Watumull

I want to thank u for the wonderful arrangement at festival.It was the first of its kind and every session was well thought of and very interesting.

Bir Sahney

Really enjoyed the Lit Fest. Profound thanks for making it possible for me to attend.



Can’t thank you enough for inviting us. Krishna and I really enjouyed ourselves—the sessions, the people and the very warm astmosphere. I am realy impressed by the way you were able to accomplish all this is such a short time. Would love to help next time…do let me know if there is anything I can do.

Madhu Jain

Heard from Anu that ur event was fantastic – Many congrats and very brave of you to have taken on such an enormous task and so successfully. Love,  B

Congratulations on a fine feather in your cap

Rahul Bose

We all admire your boundless enthusiasm and the generosity with which you give your time and attention to the task at hand.

Attending the festival was an experience of a lifetime and for that my family and I are indeed grateful to the organizers, in particular Mr. Rahul Singh, Mr. Ashok Chopra and you. I would love to be back next year.

Mandeep Rai

Thanks a lot to you and Rahul. It was a fantastic event and we really enjoyed ourselves.


it was such a wondeful trip – loved every moment . . . and met some wonderful people too.



I can’t begin to tell you how impressed I am at the organisation and the wonderful hospitality at the litfest. Thank you for every thing. And please do convey my thanks and best wishes to everyone else too (I don’t have their e mail ids) – Rahul, Ashok, Chandan – everyone.

All good wishes, and keep in touch,


Just a line to thank you and Rahul for a wonderful Kasauli weekend. Congrats on the success of the festival. Am sure it will go from strength to strength.

Best regards



Please spread the word :)
