Welcome to the Khushwant Singh Literary Festival | 22-24 Oct, 2021

Thank you

In the end, though, maybe we must all give up trying to pay back the people in this world who sustain our lives. In the end, maybe it’s wiser to surrender before the miraculous scope of human generosity and to just keep saying thank you, forever and sincerely, for as long as we have voices. ­

Elizabeth Gilbert

Our first thanks go to Brigadier Pavan Lamba and his able team, the Kasauli Cantonment, local military authorities, Col Inderjit, Col Gurpreet Chahal, Major Arun. To the executive committee of the Kasauli Club, Secretary Col Devender Singh, and the amazing tireless, cheerful staff of Kasauli Club.

I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.

– William Shakespeare

Equally important, without whom there is no festival, our Sponsors, our Authors. You are all named here in the brochure. And we are eternally grateful.

Those who made a dif erence today to our litfest. May we live up to your expectations. As long as our fest has a voice we say thank you.

To our friends:

Anand Sethi | Ashima, Iknam and Ananya Bath | Ashok Chopra | Bachi Karkaria Bindia Sahgal | Bob Rupani | Brigadier Anantha Narayan and Aparna Charanjit Singh | Deepa Raghavan | Deepak Karambelkar | Geeta Gopalkrishnan | Hariharan Venkitasubramaniam | Khushwant Singh Lila Kutty | Mahi Mehra | Mala Dayal | Manoj Singhal Meetali Kutty | Mr Tiwana | Naina Dayal | Nandini Mehta Neena and Kishie Singh | Purshottam Dhir | Raghav Khattar | Rajalakshmi Rajbir Deswal | Rajesh and Preeti Dogar | Rati and Perin Cooper | Rishma Gill Robin Gupta | Sherry and Rajender | Suneet Vir Singh | Surekha Ghogale Varun Kathuria | Veda Dogar | Vijai Vardhan | Vinita Nangia

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. ­

– Marcel Proust

All our friends in the media:

When eating a fruit, think of the person who planted the tree. ­

– Vietnamese Proverb

So we thank the wonderful Kasauli sunshine, the trees, the people who planted these, the weather, the opportunity to be here. And finally, as Churchill said, success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. So here’s to next year…


Please spread the word :)
